Fr : version française / En: english version

Powerful and immaterial

Powerful and immaterial

On earth as it is in heaven

On earth as it is in heaven

Taming fire

Taming fire

Quest for Fire

Quest for Fire

The raw and the cooked

The raw and the cooked

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Household arts

Household arts

It's Winter, light the fire!

It's Winter, light the fire!

Heating the artist's workshop

Heating the artist's workshop

Adding fuel to the fire

Adding fuel to the fire

From earthenware jug to fridge

From earthenware jug to fridge



Vulcan's forges

Vulcan's forges

Magic of transparency

Magic of transparency

The Candelabra's luster

The Candelabra's luster

The electricity fairy

The electricity fairy

City lights

City lights

The steam horse

The steam horse



3, 2, 1...blastoff!

3, 2, 1...blastoff!

Fear in the city

Fear in the city

Caught in the cross fire

Caught in the cross fire



Show me a sign

Show me a sign

Witches and the stake

Witches and the stake

Up in smoke

Up in smoke

Saint John's bonfires

Saint John's bonfires

Like a great sun

Like a great sun

One last bouquet

One last bouquet

Magic of transparency

Scorching flames shoot out from a furnace heating silica (pure sand) to 1,300°C, to create a material that is malleable when hot, and hard, impermeable, smooth and transparent when cooled—the wonders of glass synthesis!

Glass's initial applications date from the end of prehistory and were mostly decorative, such as jewelry and flasks. During the Roman Empire, the first greenhouses gave Tiberius cucumbers to eat throughout the year: they marked the invention of window glass, which lets us keep in the heat of home fires while enjoying the sun's light. The optical properties of glass led to fascinating discoveries such as mirrors, magnifying glasses and prisms, which break light down into the color spectrum.

Glass Blower - Rabanus Maurus
Glass Blower
Rabanus Maurus

Rabanus Maurus was one of the major figures of the Carolingian Renaissance in the 9th century. A friend of Lothair, one of Charlemagne's grandsons, he was nicknamed "Praeceptor Germaniae" or "the teacher of Germany". His life as chancellor, abbot and then archbishop was devoted to evangelical work and to the training of the clergy for whom he wrote many commentaries on the Bible. He was also the author of a number of books on the cusp of theology and the profane sciences, which was characteristic of the Carolingian spirit. His work included anthologies of poetry, a treatise on ethics and an encyclopaedia, De Universo, compiled between 842 and 847.

© Roger-Viollet