Fr : version française / En: english version

Powerful and immaterial

Powerful and immaterial

On earth as it is in heaven

On earth as it is in heaven

Taming fire

Taming fire

Quest for Fire

Quest for Fire

The raw and the cooked

The raw and the cooked

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Roasting, frying, grilling, boiling and braising

Household arts

Household arts

It's Winter, light the fire!

It's Winter, light the fire!

Heating the artist's workshop

Heating the artist's workshop

Adding fuel to the fire

Adding fuel to the fire

From earthenware jug to fridge

From earthenware jug to fridge



Vulcan's forges

Vulcan's forges

Magic of transparency

Magic of transparency

The Candelabra's luster

The Candelabra's luster

The electricity fairy

The electricity fairy

City lights

City lights

The steam horse

The steam horse



3, 2, 1...blastoff!

3, 2, 1...blastoff!

Fear in the city

Fear in the city

Caught in the cross fire

Caught in the cross fire



Show me a sign

Show me a sign

Witches and the stake

Witches and the stake

Up in smoke

Up in smoke

Saint John's bonfires

Saint John's bonfires

Like a great sun

Like a great sun

One last bouquet

One last bouquet

Household arts

The march of progress has not skipped over applied research into cooking methods, with pressure cookers, microwave ovens, molecular cuisine and rice cookers testifying to manufacturers' determination to help homemakers.

In tandem with this modern approach is another school, which aims to modernize ancestral cooking equipment such as the grill-stone, which is prehistoric, the wok, imported from Asia, and the solar oven. We still do not know whether or not the food processer liberated women, but it certainly clutters its fair share of kitchen cupboards!

Kitchen Stove - Roy Lichtenstein
Kitchen Stove

Painted in the winter of 1961-1962, Kitchen Stove is one of Lichtenstein's pictures inspired by commercials. He flaunted the decision to borrow from that world by deliberately including the copyright on the bottom left of the painting and by using the bright, contrasting colors typical of advertising.

This picture, like the ones that followed, baffled his contemporaries.

Roy Lichtenstein

Born in New York in 1923, Lichtenstein began creating his body of pictorial work by painting pictures in the classical style. By the early sixties, his work changed dramatically.

Joining the pop art movement taking off in the United States after its emergence in Great Britain, Lichtenstein took an interest in the techniques and objects of the then booming mass consumption trend.

Scandalizing his contemporaries, the painter borrowed themes and techniques from comics, television and advertising, turning his back on the great tradition of European art. Lichtenstein, who died in 1997, is considered, along with Andy Warhol, to be one of the masters of American pop art.

© Roy Lichtenstein / ADAGP