Fr : version française / En: english version


The bath in mythology

The bath in mythology

Susanna and the Elders

Susanna and the Elders

The bath in the Latin world

The bath in the Latin world

Bathing in the Middle Ages

Bathing in the Middle Ages

The "dry wash"

The "dry wash"

Louis XIV's bathtub

Louis XIV's bathtub

The bath's return to favor

The bath's return to favor

Healthy body, healthy mind

Healthy body, healthy mind

The principles of hygiene

The principles of hygiene

The "bathing hit"

The "bathing hit"

Bathing is a pleasure

Bathing is a pleasure

Medieval steam rooms

Medieval steam rooms

The Garden of Delights

The Garden of Delights

Cover this breast which I cannot behold

Cover this breast which I cannot behold

Pleasure hidden beneath morality

Pleasure hidden beneath morality

The relaxation of moral standards

The relaxation of moral standards

The nude in the bath becomes realistic

The nude in the bath becomes realistic

The 20th century: La Dolce Vita

The 20th century: La Dolce Vita

The suicide of Seneca or the fatal bath

The suicide of Seneca or the fatal bath

The Assassination of Marat

The Assassination of Marat

"Enter now, Jean Moulin!"

"Enter now, Jean Moulin!"

The Masters of Suspense

The Masters of Suspense


Reference works:

  • Le propre et le sale ; l'hygiène du corps depuis le Moyen-âge, Georges Vigarello
    Le Seuil, 1985
  • Histoire des bains, Dominique Laty
    PUF collection Que sais-je ?, 1996
  • Les bains à travers les âges, Paul Négrier, Pierre Calmettes et Marechalar
    Librairie de la Construction moderne, 1925
  • Le livre du bain, Françoise de Bonneville
    Flammarion, 2001
  • Femmes au bain, J. Bonnet
    Hazan, 2006

Magazines / Press

  • 3 articles in issue #14 of french magazine La France pittoresque, April 2005

Works cited in the exhibition:

  • Les Annales, Tacite
  • Rome au siècle d'Auguste, ou Voyage d'un Gaulois à Rome à l'époque du règne d'Auguste et pendant une partie du règne de Tibère, Charles Dezobry