Fr : version française / En: english version
Brief encounter
It happens all the time. You see someone you like on a bus or train but you are too shy to speak to them and they disappear into the crowd. In the 1970s, the French daily Libération picked up on this phenomenon and started a small ads section entitled Transports amoureux.
"You keep seeing the same guy on the Metro platform but you never dare to speak to him.
You noticed a woman at a bus stop and you can't stop thinking about her.
You've never forgotten the fleeting smile that passed between you and that girl on the Metro between Bagatelle and Jeanne d'Arc.
You'd like to tell the guy who was reading a yellow book, or the girl in the red coat, that you're sorry you missed your chance to get to know them, because you felt awkward, or apprehensive, or because the moment wasn't right...
Now you can leave a message on this site."
An art work by Sophie Calle for a subway station in Toulouse, France